Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Just A Tidbit

  It has been awhile since I have been on here to share my crazy mind with you all.  I'm sorry for that and for the fact this is going to be a mismatch of topics, there is so much to talk about.  So grab a drink, sit down and enjoy.

  For starters, I have been in touch with a friend I made at Target whom joined the Army and has been transferred to Washington.  After his training for Military Police he was stationed there and soon found out they are deploying him in December.  This is very scary not only for me, but for the wife and daughter he will have to leave behind for the nine long months that his deployment is scheduled for. It makes me get only a little taste of what families are going through as they watch their loved ones go protect a country that we should all feel blessed to live in.  So all I ask is please watch over David Chervanik and his family as they go through this trying time.

  Okay, moving on, work has been extremely stressful lately.  It is summer so there are conventions all over the place and they take all of my production items! Which is fantastic for our sales, but not for my sanity.  Also, having a boss that thinks the job you do is not that hard, really makes you want to do give up.  It is a good thing I like my job and mostly I can just ignore him.  That is enough work crap.

  Hmmm...now that I sit here to write, I am at a loss for words.  I'm trying to remember everything I had to say, witty and not, but I'm at a loss for words.  If I come up with anything I will be back to blog later.  Thank you to all of my loyal followers and Happy Fourth of July.  I hope everyone has a safe and happy one.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

ReAL Game Fun

  Whoa, so this cold has knocked me on my behind, however, this past weekend I was lucky enough to get to attend my very first ReAL game with some of the coolest people I know!  Jenny is to my right and Carley is to my left, also, for those that know me yes that is me with newly short hair!  Ahh!! I chopped off ten inches to be donated to Locks of Love and I am fully enjoying the freedom of short hair. :) 
  Alright, back to the game.  Jenny's friend, Rob, was amazing enough to get us a great price on tickets so we went down to the good old SLC to watch ReAL beat Toronto 3-2 in a game that was full of ups and downs.  We yelled with those around us, wore beer from the guy next to us and in the end we won and then were off to celebrate at Rob's house though he was angry at how bad ReAL played.  It was by far one of the best nights I have spent out with friends and I am eagerly looking forward to doing it again, hopefully ReAL will play a little better so that Rob can be happy when we win.

  I guess there isn't a lot to talk about today and I am still drained from coughing when I should be sleeping so I will keep this blog short, I am sure once I feel better I will have a ton to say. Later, peeps.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Showing Some Love...

  I don't think I have mentioned this on my blog yet, but my sister, Misty Harvey, has written her first novel and published it!  I am so very proud of her!  This is the beginning book to a series that takes a very different look at vampires in general and really makes you think. 
  Her words dance off of the pages, painting a picture that makes you feel like you are sitting right there as they meet with other leaders or fight in that battle with the unknown...If you like a little thrill and some romance, this book is definitely for you!  Check it out on Amazon and hit up her author page on Facebook.  She is also a part of a group called MasterKoda that supports authors as they journey from putting their words on paper, to getting it in the hands of the public.

  Please take some time to read this book!  You won't be disappointed and you can go to Amazon and leave her a review, she is always anxious to hear what people have to say, good or bad.

  Great job, Mist! We are so proud of you!


Friday, April 20, 2012

Raw and Exposed...

"A friend is more concerned about helping people than getting credit. A friend cares. A friend loves. A friend listens. And a friend reaches out."--President Thomas S. Monson, Ensign, May 2001

  I have been pondering a lot lately about the meaning of life and where I should be going and I will be the first to admit I have felt really lost.  I have a lot of friends and family who are either LDS or exploring it as a religion, I mean after all I do live in Utah. :)  It has made me think about why I am not LDS and what has happened in my life to stray me off of the path that I had started when I was young.

  I remember having a very happy childhood, I had two loving parents and a sister that I was extremely close to.  I am not sure that life could have been better for me.  We used to have large family gatherings at my house, where we would BBQ in the backyard and all of my family would join us, even extended family.  Our house was always full of people and as I think about it, I wondered who it all centered around and after some deep thinking I realized it centered around my parents.

  I was extremely close to my father, he was a very good man.  I never got to tell him how much I loved him or looked up to him as he passed away when I was the tender age of twelve.  However, I do remember loving getting dressed up every Sunday and walking to church with him.  All of my friends were in my ward and we attended together, it was just something we did and was expected of us.  I loved church, I loved my Bishop...I couldn't imagine doing anything else on Sunday.  After church we would go home and change, I always felt so energized and so alive after church.  I usually cleaned my entire house for my parents or something along those lines and then we would have gatherings or just family dinner.  We always sat up to the table for meals, a tradition that I am sorry has gotten lost in everyone thinking life is just too busy or crazy for a family meal.  I really wish people would get back to what is important and that is family, nothing out trumps family.

  Alright, I strayed a little.  Anyway, when I was ten my father was diagnosed with a brain tumor that was malignant.  At that time I wasn't too sure what that meant, but then my whole world crashed in on me.  He spent most of the next two years in and out of hospitals, fighting something that he would never beat and my sister and I didn't attend much school as someone had to be there to support my mother.  I never truly understood how strong my parents were not only as a couple, but as individuals until I got older.  I am still not sure if I could have gone through what my mother did and lived, sometimes I don't believe I told her that enough. 

  After his valiant battle lasting over two years, my father succumbed to the cancer that the doctors say could have been invading his body for decades.  I was shattered.  I turned to God in anger, feeling betrayed and hurt that he would take such a wonderful man away from a family that truly needed and loved him.  I fear that I have blamed God all too long for something that was out of everyone's control.  Yes, he was called home, but I realize now...almost eighteen long years later that He wasn't taking him from his family He was taking him from his suffering.  This realization is enough to make me cry and feel peace at the same time.  It has been a long time coming. 

  It was also a very important realization that I came to when my mother was so sick in 2010.  We watched her fight a long battle with COPD and emphaysema, one that we all knew she would lose one day, but I was hoping it would be farther down the road when I realized that she didn't deserve to suffer anymore.  When my mother was so sick and in the ICU, I remember coming home to the apartment we shared and taking a shower before going to stay with my sister.  I remember standing in the shower crying because I couldn't stand to see her that way.  It was then that I believe I finally turned to God for something good instead of with anger.  I whispered to him that if she couldn't get better and she would never be able to come home atleast in the same condition she went in to the hospital, that I wanted Him to take her home.  To end her suffering so that she wouldn't have to live in pain, to not be able to breathe anymore...she couldn't even walk down a hallway without getting winded.  But I looked up to the ceiling and I asked God to take her, to take my mother.  It was both a selfless and selfish act.  I couldn't mentally handle the roller coaster anymore of her sickness and I didn't want her to suffer any longer.  This is the first prayer I ever remember getting an answer to, though I am sure there were others, but probably a week later my mother passed away.  It was both heartbeaking and a blessing.  I am sure where she is now she gets to spend the rest of her time with her loving husband and other lost family members and friends and she can do everything she used to love without running out of air and without feeling like a cripple and a burden to anyone.  I love and miss both of you.  RIP Mom and Dad.  John Marshall Harvey, Jr. September 9, 1950-August 5, 1994 and Judy Rae Harvey March 24, 1945-January 26, 2010. 

  Four years ago I met someone at work who helped restore some of my faith in a religion that I had all but given up on.  I started working at Target and the first day I worked in the deli he introduced himself to me and I am thankful to say we have been friends since.  I was 26 at the time and he was a young 19, but the wisdom that he held was much more than someone beyond his years.  His faith in his religion is so strong that it kind of radiates off of him to those around him.  He started me thinking and possibly planted that little seed of faith in me again.  It has been many years that I have been pondering this and I'm still not one hundred percent sure if the LDS religion is for me, but I know that I want to believe in something, I know there is more out there.  Now I just need to work on finding the faith.  Hopefully he can handle all of the questions that I am sure are coming...

  So now that I have rambled on and exposed much of my inner mind and heart, I will go for the night.  If there are any feelings on religion from anyone who reads this I would love to hear them.  Also, I loved the quote at the top and the Bountiful Temple is by far my favorite one in Utah and I think it is absolutely beautiful.  If I do decide to follow the Mormon religion it will be the first one I visit.  Thank you to anyone who has read this and anyone who posts their thoughts. Until next time..


Monday, April 16, 2012

Really? It has just been one of those days...

  Today I got up for work just like any other day, it was five after three am and I was tired and felt like staying home, but that doesn't pay the bills.  So I went into my bathroom and began the tedious and monotonous task of getting ready for another day in the deli when I was brushing my hair and saw another gray hair! Eeek!! It is the second one I have found since turning thirty in January and as I have no kids, I am blaming it on my financial situation, so now I am thinking it is time to dye the hair.  Any ideas what color I should go with?  I am thinking either a brown much like I have, a richer brown or a very deep auburn that is almost just brown with red highlights. 
  I am kind of tired of working my butt off and feeling really unappreciated.  I feel unappreciated at work and then come home and feel unappreciated here.  It is a vicious cycle that doesn't seem close to breaking.  I hate when others are getting recognition for things they are doing, but I get none for the same things.  Yeah, it is petty, but most people would find it nice to be thanked for things they do.  Especially if they go out of their way to do it.  Oh well, such is life, so I will pat myself on the back and say good job. Hehe. :)

  This is a kitten that my sister is currently taking care of, but they are looking for a good home for him.  He is about five weeks old and loves to cuddle.  My niece saved him from being put to sleep just because there were too many kittens from a family that I learned has put other cats to sleep instead of just fixing their adult cats.  I don't know how anyone could possibly kill such a cute little animal.  Anyway, if you are interested you can hit me up here or on Facebook.  I live in Utah and that cat is in Ogden, UT.

  I am currently very exhausted so I am going to nap, maybe I will write again later and maybe it will be tomorrow.  Enjoy.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Just getting started...

  This is my first time on here and I thought maybe with my past experiences I could give a different insight to life.

  So, about me...My name is Millisa, I just turned 30 this year and I live in Utah.  Not much to say about that because there isn't much to do here in Utah.  I am passionate about sports, but especially baseball.  There is nothing better than the crack of a bat and ball on a spring day and I am forever a Chicago Cubs fan, no matter how much they might lose.  I love children, though sadly I have none of my own and I have great family and friends, to which I owe the little bit of sanity I do have to them.

  I work in a big store that has clothing, houseware goods and groceries.  I am a deli team trainer and for almost four years I have loved my job.  It is crazy, but it pays well and seems to keep a roof over my head and the cell phone in my hand, for that I am eternally grateful.
  I have been twice married, the first to someone who was abusive physically and to which I happily walked away when he raised his hand to me and the second to an emotionally abusive man.  The only good thing that came out of the second marriage was the fact that I spent one year of my life living in North Chicago, Illinois.  Which as you can imagine was a definite culture shock to someone from Utah.  It was one of the best and scariest experiences of my life. 

  While living in Chicago I got to do numerous exciting and fun things.  I attended my first Chicago Cubs game at Wrigley Field, a Chicago Bears game at Soldier Field, spent a week in downtown Chicago going to every museum and Navy Pier where I took my first ride on a speed boat that was so exciting I didn't want to get off.  I encountered a lot of dangerous rain storms and tornado warnings while living there, both which scared the daylights out of me.  I spent summer days at Six Flags (which is way better than Lagoon and almost cheaper...) and I attended a timed race trial for NASCAR!  It is such an amazing city and these are times I truly will never forget.  In some cases I almost wish I was still there...

  Hopefully my rantings might help someone out there that has either been in a situation like it or that just wants to enjoy a funny story and think, man, I am glad that didn't happen to me!  Until next time my faithful blog followers...
